Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Diwali!

Its been a really long time since I came to Blogger....I simply ran out of things to say....didn't know what to write...

Well, since I am here anyway...let me wish everybody a VERY HAPPY DIWALI!!
I just saw the news report on tv that said New York has added Diwali to its list of public holidays...They have this law that, cars can't be parked on both sides of a road because that obstructs the path of the cleaning trucks.But on these special days cars can be parked on both sides which means the city is not cleaned on these days. Well, they do have a weird way of acknowledging varoious communities and their customs (by car parking laws!) but still, I guess the Indians out there must be feeling good.


Sujith said...

Well, that was a long hiatus u had. Happy Deepavali to u too..

kickassso said...

welcome back:)
funny people these americans!

സു | Su said...

Happy Diwaali! :)

Ratish Naroor said...

You write good.Please let me know more abt you.
I'm at hi_naroor@yahoo.com .
Naroor Rathish