Saturday, November 10, 2007


When you secretly take your mum's lipstick and apply it all over your face and feel proud..that feeling of joy..thats bliss!

P.S: This naughty kid is my 2 year old nephew, Vishy

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Take a close look

Disgusting....but this is what a moderately dirty slipper looks like zoomed in!
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Gorgeous Ganu

Ganu preparing for the the Ganapati Pooja at home....
All set and ready to feast! Check out the stunning red Ganu on the right....

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A Lemony Tale

This is what happens when you experiment with a new camera....pure genius! (Kodak C653)
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Friday, August 31, 2007

Mighty Ants!

Ants carrying away what looks like a peanut....the mighty ants at work!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Gift Wrapping

Crazy about gift wrapping styles and colourful wrapping paper. This is one of my personal favourite styles.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Moon in my phone!

I have always wanted to be able to photograph the moon....and now here we are!

The moon looks like just a dot through the digicam I've got....a tiny white speck on a black sheet.

I recently got a new mob...Sony Ericsson K310i, which is totally cool and has all these cool features...the best part is the cool cam(video and still with real nifty effects) and the sound recording and stuff. Time to get creative!

So, the moon was captured with the camera phone....

I have known only one mob from the time I started using a mob, the Nokia 1100. I knew it inside out...everything about it. I miss it too at times when I mess up my typing in my new phone. The new one has got a joystick and I'm still to get used to the shortcut keys. But hey, I'm not fact I'd have to be totally completly mad to be complaining about a phone that can photograph the moon!! What more could one ask for...hehe...

The first snap was taken without zoomin....

Saturday, July 07, 2007


I saw 2 amazing movies....The Secret and What the Bleep Do we Know?

Simply great. They have explanations to so many things happening in our lives....very different movies. Something everybody must watch....very scientifically explained detailed documentary with an interesting presentation style to keep the audience engrossed.

What the Bleep....may seem a little offensive to some, but its stating the facts as they are. What the Bleep...Down the Rabbit Hole has very detailed highly scientific long hours of explanations to a lot of common emotions and situations that we go through.

Just search for these titles on the net to know more about them if you haven't already heard about these....

Don't think just do it...! IIf you get the chance to watch these...go ahead and do it...!