Monday, August 15, 2005

Over and Out

Well, actually I think why sorrow is more important than happiness is because our greatest achievements arise from sorrow, fustration and a sense of wanting.

I mean, when you are happy there is no desire for are content. Complacency of sorts sets in..

But when you are sad, you want to come out of that sadness...there is a feverish wanting...wanting to achieve do something more. But when you are are happy with who you are, what you aren't thinking of what else to do. Its only when you are lacking you want to gain....

So, the world survives on sorrow...something like, sorrow is the driving force to the ultimate goal of happiness...hmm?

1 comment:

Lost in trance... said...

its more like saying the path to something is more important than the something itself...

...and what if you reach ultimate happiness (wateva that is)? woudntyu lose the perspective?